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Sometimes things happen that require you to take a step back, or the demands of the job interfere with your personal life. We can help.

Talk to someone who can relate.



You have to be at your best on every call and in every emergency situation.

While you pride yourself on staying calm and collected during all situations, sometimes the long hours and constant chaos can put a strain on you at work and at home. Talking to a dispatcher peer support mentor can relieve some of the burden and provide guidance for the future.


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It’s important to know that you’re not alone.

We really understand your challenges probably better than almost anyone else and are here to help, never judge. When you’re ready, simply pick up the phone or send us an email, and we’ll find you the support you need based on your unique situation.


Get Connected

Our dispatcher peer support mentors assist with:

  • Anger management
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Discussing a traumatic event
  • Family, work, and relationship challenges

  • Financial stresses
  • Sleeping difficulties
  • Substance abuse
  • And more

Connect with a dispatcher peer support mentor.